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Doppler techniques are used to monitor blood flow through the heart and major vessels. This module teaches you how to prepare for and perform spectral and color Doppler scans of the heart. The interactive simulator provides three scenarios that cover different situations you might encounter in the clinical environment. Online simulations enable students and practitioners to build or refresh knowledge and cognitive skills, and offer a safe practice environment so you can prepare for the real...
Have you ever thought about a career in addiction counseling? Addiction counseling professionals treat individuals who are in need of substance abuse counseling as well as offer peace of mind to the families of persons who are in need of drug addiction counseling. This course, offered by our accredited school partners, covers both Level 1 and Level 2 training. Drug and Alcohol Counseling – Level 1 reflects the explosion of information regarding the understanding, identification, and treatment...
Have you ever thought about a career in addiction coaching? Do you feel passionate about helping people reclaim lives that have been deteriorated by drugs or alcohol? Addiction coaching professionals treat individuals who are in need of substance abuse counseling as well as offer peace of mind to the families of persons who are in need of drug addiction counseling. Our Drug and Alcohol Counseling course examines various substance abuse disorders and presents techniques for helping people...
This course provides an overview of the EENT (Ear, Eye, Nose, and Throat) specialist office and the role of healthcare professionals in related procedures and treatments. Healthcare professionals must understand the anatomy and physiology of the ear, eye, nose, and throat and the common diseases and disorders as well as the diagnostic procedures they may assist with in the office.Enroll through one of our accredited university or college partners today!
An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a method to graphically display the electric current generated by the heart muscle during a heartbeat. This SIMTICS module teaches you how to prepare for, record, and interpret a 12-lead ECG. Including both Learn and Test modes, the online simulator offers a scenario that tests your ability to interpret a 12-lead ECG. Practice the steps of the procedure as often as you want until you are confident.You’ll learnto practice, perfect, and test your skills in...
This module teaches you how to how to set up and perform echocardiography assessment of endocarditis and pericarditis. The interactive simulator provides three scenarios that cover different situations you might encounter in the clinical environment. Online simulations enable students and practitioners to build or refresh knowledge and cognitive skills, and offer a safe practice environment so you can prepare for the real clinical world. Simulations also give you the opportunity to try out...
Communicating clearly and concisely in written formats like email, memos, and letters is very important in a workplace setting. This course, offered by our accredited school partners, will help you improve your use of these common business communication vehicles by providing best practices and effective tips and techniques. Enroll through one of our accredited university or college partners today!
Experienced negotiators make a conscious decision about what type of strategy to use in a discussion based on factors such as the importance of the relationship and the importance of what is at stake. This course, offered by our accredited school partners, explains how key concepts such as the "best alternative to no agreement", reservation price, and the "zone of possible agreement" can help when conducting negotiations. Since power is a fundamental dynamic in negotiations, it is important...
The ability to communicate clearly and effectively is increasingly important in organizational settings. This course, offered by our accredited school partners, helps learners organize, structure, and create effective presentations. Since many organizations use PowerPoint as a way of communicating information, this course offers advice and guidance on the most effective and persuasive uses of PowerPoint. Enroll through one of our accredited university or college partners today!
This, in turn, is increasing the need for EKG technicians. If you want to know how to perform an EKG, or you're studying for your EKG technician certificate and wish you had more opportunity to practice, then SIMTICS could be perfect for you. The web-based modules listed here cover the typical skills that you need to know. Realistic simulations let you learn and practice how to obtain vital signs, how to perform electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) tests, and some of the simulations help you to...
An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a method to graphically display the electric current generated by the heart muscle during a heartbeat. This SIMTICS module teaches you how to prepare for, record and interpret a 12-lead ECG. The interactive simulator lets you learn and practice how to record an electrocardiogram, and how to interpret the heart rate and rhythms for common pathologies. Online simulations offer a safe practice environment and also enable you to try out procedures that you...
This course, offered by our accredited school partners, consists of the following modules:The Electronic Health Record Management ProfessionAccess to health information is changing the ways doctors care for patients. With the nation’s healthcare system moving to the electronic medical record, numerous employment opportunities exist for medical assistants, health information systems staff, patient registration professionals and other related positions. Healthcare professionals with the ability...
The electronic health record is a digital record of a patient's health history and is vital in providing high-quality patient care, as well as improved workflow processes between physicians and other providers. An important role of the medical assistant is to be proficient in accurately recording patient demographic and clinical data in the electronic health record, as the information will be used for proper billing and reimbursement, tracking of patient health history, and for compliance in...
The cardiovascular system is the first main organ system to form and become functional, and provides the growing embryo with oxygen and nutrients. It is therefore important to consider heart development. This theory module teaches you about cardiac embryology and common fetal congenital abnormalities. The text and video describe fetal heart development in detail, and the echocardiographic findings of some congenital abnormalities. This module is ideal if you are studying for the American...
This course provides an overview of the professional's role in an emergency within the medical office or clinic. Even though the facility is a medical one, treat the situation as an emergency by calling EMS services via 911 or following the protocol for the specific medical emergency. This course discusses how to handle selected emergencies prior to EMS arrival.Enroll through one of our accredited university or college partners today!
Emotional intelligence (EI) is our ability to identify and control our emotions to achieve positive outcomes in our relationships. Managers with high EI are better equipped to deal with subordinates, colleagues, and company executives, and they can do a better job of handling and resolving conflicts. This course, delivered through our school partners, reviews the underlying concepts of emotional intelligence and explores how managers can improve and make use of their emotional...
In this course, offered by our accredited school partners, you will learn about the process of selecting the best candidate from a large, diverse pool of high-quality applicants. Based on D. Quinn Mills' book, Principles of Human Resource Management, the course discusses how to conduct an effective job interview, asking questions that elicit relevant information, and avoiding questions that might be seen as discriminatory. You will also consider how to discover more about a candidate through...
This is a non-technical course designed for every end user. Our experts explain very common security topics that are critical to be aware of in today’s work environment, but explains in the “end-users” non-technical language, so everyone can understand. Many stories are told as examples for easier understanding. One might think this is super easy and doesn’t go deep on topics, but you would be wrong, this course is a perfect fit for everyone to understand and prevent security risk.
Healthcare professionals may choose to work in endocrinology offices assisting a specialist in this area, called an endocrinologist. This course provides an overview of the endocrine system glands and hormones as well as some of the common diseases and disorders related to this system. It is important to have a basic understanding of this body system and the related disorders in order to effectively assist the patient and physician.Enroll through one of our accredited university or college...
Learning English as a second language can be vital for being successful in the workforce. This course, delivered through a academic school, introduces the English language for Spanish speakers. In this course, we will cover the basics of English vocabulary, grammar, literacy, and conversation skills to individuals with little or no knowledge of the English language. This course will show you the proper ways to structure sentences and communicate in a conversational way to others. Other topics...
"Our Annual Filing Season Program (AFSP) qualifies for 18 hours of continuing education needed to earn an AFSP Record of Completion from the IRS for the 2025 filing season. Some of the perks a tax preparer will receive upon completion are: limited representation rights, a certificate directly from the IRS to display, and your name added to the official IRS tax preparer directory. To fulfill requirements, you must take the AFTR which consists of a 100 question, 3-hour timed exam, and complete...
"This course meets the 2024 60-hour qualifying education requirement imposed by the state of California to become a tax preparer. This course has been approved by the California Tax Education Council Vendor #2080.In this beginner CA tax preparer course, you will learn… • How to prepare a federal individual tax return • Filing status • Which form to use • Credits the taxpayer qualifies forThis course contains 13 Chapters; after each chapter, the student will complete online review questions and...
"Our 2024 Tax Preparation Course is designed to give you the knowledge needed to fulfill IRS requirements and give you a basic understanding of tax law and practice to ensure you serve your clients with the highest quality. This study material has been organized to give line-by-line instructions for Form 1040. Our proprietary Professional Training System,, combines traditional textbook courses with online interactive questions and Practice Tax Returns (PTR). Each chapter in the...
Al realizar el trabajo en posturas incómodas o con un esfuerzo excesivo, puede experimentar fatiga, malestar y trastornos musculoesqueléticos. Los principios básicos de ergonomía presentados en este curso serán un componente vital en todas las industrias. Esto es especialmente cierto en las industrias de fabricación, venta minorista y servicios, donde hay una mayor tasa y costo de lesiones ergonómicas. Los componentes principales de este curso incluyen identificación de factores de riesgo,...
Are you looking to improve your understanding of how to use a computer and get up to speed quickly on the newest version of Microsoft Office? This course offers easy instructions to help you master the Office software and gives you the fundamental skills needed to use a computer for either professional or personal tasks. In the first portion of this course you will explore the basics of computer use including how to pick the right computer for your needs, determine what equipment you need,...
Este curso proporciona una descripción general del rol del profesional en una emergencia dentro de la oficina médica o clínica. Aunque la instalación es médica, trate la situación como una emergencia llamando a los servicios de EMS a través del 911 o siguiendo el protocolo para la emergencia médica específica. Este curso explica cómo manejar las emergencias seleccionadas antes de la llegada del EMS.¡Inscríbase a través de uno de nuestros socios universitarios o universidades acreditados hoy! ...
Qué tipos de trastornos de la piel y dermatitis son más comunes? Qué condiciones de la piel son infecciosas? Cuáles son cancerosas? Las respuestas a estas preguntas son conocimientos críticos para los profesionales de la salud en un entorno de dermatología. Este curso proporciona una descripción general de la anatomía y fisiología del sistema tegumentario y varios trastornos cutáneos comunes que un profesional de la salud puede ver en un consultorio de dermatólogos. Es importante que los...
The Clinical Medical Assistant: Pediatric Specialization program, offered by our accredited school partners, is designed to prepare students to function as professionals in multiple healthcare settings both general and pediatric. Medical assistants with a clinical background perform various clinical tasks including assisting with the administration of medications and with minor procedures, performing an EKG electrocardiogram, obtaining laboratory specimens for testing, educating patients, and...
Este curso proporciona una visión general de la psicología y la psiquiatría, dos especialidades médicas que se centran en el tratamiento de los trastornos de salud mental. Además, los profesionales en todas las áreas de especialidades médicas interactuarán con pacientes con trastornos de salud mental. Al igual que con otras especialidades médicas, los profesionales de las prácticas de psicología y psiquiatría miden los signos vitales de los pacientes, los ayudan a completar los formularios de...
Event planners need professional caliber information that explains everything from how to decorate, to the use of technology, and everything in between. In this course, offered by our accredited school partners, you will learn that information and much more. It is through planned events that we remember our shared history, our friends, family, and community.We include information on greener events, corporate social responsibility, international best practices, and the expanding event field....
This program has two modules: •Event Planning and Management•Start Your Own BusinessEvent planners need professional caliber information that explains everything from how to decorate, to the use of technology, and everything in between. In this course, offered by our accredited school partners, you will learn that information and much more. It is through planned events that we remember our shared history, our friends, family, and community. The course includes information on greener events,...
Microsoft Excel is one of the most revolutionary tools for data analysis that exist in the business world today. Professionals use Excel to quickly visualize and manipulate data, design immaculate spreadsheets, and solve strategic business challenges with the advanced application of it's tools. Employers that invest in their employees Microsoft skills see increased productivity and problem-solving skills. The Advanced Application of Excel 2016 course is intended for professionals who are...
Microsoft Excel is one of the most revolutionary tools for data analysis that exist in the business world today. Professionals use Excel to quickly visualize and manipulate data, design immaculate spreadsheets, and solve strategic business challenges with the advanced application of it's tools. Employers that invest in their employees Microsoft skills see increased productivity and problem-solving skills. This course Basic Application of Excel 2016 was designed for professionals who need a...
Microsoft Excel is one of the most revolutionary tools for data analysis that exist in the business world today. Professionals use Excel to quickly visualize and manipulate data, design immaculate spreadsheets, and solve strategic business challenges with the advanced application of it's tools. Employers that invest in their employees Microsoft skills see increased productivity and problem-solving skills. The Intermediate Application of Excel 2016 course is intended for professionals who are...
"Our 2024 Express Tax Course provides office staff training, allowing business owners to quickly train last-minute preparers to handle the deluge of clients coming through their doors right away. Train your receptionists to do data entry on tax returns for clients waiting for a preparer.This course is designed for:ReceptionistsNew preparers who need a Crash CoursePreparers who need to be trained quicklyLate hiresLate December, early January course This course covers the basics of federal tax....
Urinary catheterization is one of the most commonly performed procedures in healthcare, which allows the patient's urine to drain freely from the bladder. The procedure may be used for diagnostic purposes or therapeutically - for example, to relieve urinary retention, instill medication, or provide lavage. During the catheterization procedure, a latex, polyurethane, or silicone tube known as a urinary catheter is inserted into a patient's bladder via the urethra. While the basic principles...
This course, offered by our accredited school partners, considers practical finance and accounting tools for decision-making within organizations. You will learn about cost benefit analysis, return on investment (ROI), fixed and variable costs, break even and CVP (cost-volume-profit) analysis, tracking and performance measures, and the Balanced Scorecard and its varied uses. Enroll through one of our accredited university or college partners today!
"Every tax preparer and accountant somewhere along the lines needs to have a fundamental basic understanding of bookkeeping in order to ensure they are using the correct numbers when preparing a tax return or otherwise presenting financial information to their client. "
Whether you're just starting out in the workforce or changing careers, it is important to understand how the job you perform contributes to your sense of fulfillment in life. This course, delivered through our school partners, prompts you to examine various job settings and functions, comparing each against your own preferences, values, and expectations, in order to determine the best job fit for you.Enroll through one of our accredited university or college partners today!
Are you looking for guidance for incorporating flipped techniques in your classroom? The basic principle of flipped learning involves providing direct instruction for the individual outside of class so that there is more strategic use of in-class time for group work. The Flipped Learning for Elementary Education course, offered by our accredited school partners, explores practical ways that educators can incorporate this model into their classrooms. Within this course, you'll learn how to...
This Floral Design course, offered by our accredited school partners, prepares students for a career designing floral arrangements and running a successful florist business. The course balances theory with practice, covering the history of design, artistic elements, floral anatomy, and nomenclature, along with techniques, tools, and specialties. Students will be prepared for the real business world with discussions on distribution, marketing, advertising, and the other industry-specific issues...
Thinking about starting, owning, and operating a business? The Foundations for Start-Up and Business Owner Management certificate training program, offered by our accredited school partners, is perfect for anybody who has an interest in entrepreneurship or is considering starting, owning and operating their own business.
The Frontline Manager® certificate and courses were developed to offer vital training in core managerial skills to first-level managers. With a focus on topics such as supervision, coaching, leadership styles, navigating organizational culture, and time management, the courses are designed to help frontline managers develop into true leaders within an organization. The certificate consists of 9 courses and a simulation that are online and self-paced, offering flexibility in the delivery and...
This simulation course is designed to challenge and engage you while you apply your knowledge of management best practices to real-world scenarios. During the simulation, you'll experience your first three months as the newly promoted frontline manager for Dragonfly Service's sales team. You'll experience the ups and downs of coaching, mentoring, conflict resolution, and change management. Along the way, you'll manage relationships at all levels, practice open communication, set SMART goals,...
Almost everything that happens in the workplace requires some form of communication. Frontline managers have to communicate with the workers they supervise, with their colleagues in management, and with their bosses in the executive suite. Being able to communicate clearly and effectively is a vital skill for any frontline manager. This course provides a brief introduction to communication theory, but the main emphasis is on practical approaches to communicating in the workplace. Topics...
TFrontline managers have many different responsibilities in their role within a business organization. They coordinate work schedules, create and implement action plans, prioritize problem-solving, all while keeping team morale and motivation high. As a frontline manager, you will be responsible for coaching employees to improve their work habits, overcome specific obstacles, or collaborate better with colleagues.In this course you will explore how coaching employees is a vital part of...
This course, aimed at aspiring supervisors and companies that want to improve their employees' supervisory skills, is designed to help a worker make the transition from individual contributor to a supervisor who oversees the work of others. Self-paced and highly interactive, the course details the fundamental nature of a supervisor's role and the basic management principles that apply to it. It also provides a close look at seven skills that are essential to any supervisor's success: managing...